We protect your data
The following privacy policy provides an overview of the collection, use,processing and storage of your personal data. Whether you are a customer, prospective customer or visitor to our website: We respect and protect your privacy. What does that mean in plain language when it comes to your personal data?
We explain to you what data is processed when you contact us via the Internet. The privacy policy applies to the health and long-term care insurance fund of BKK EWE - these are hereinafter referred to as BKK EWE.
In addition, you will receive information on data processing in accordance with the statutory duty to inform applicable as of 25.05.2018 (Art. 13ff. Data Protection Regulation-DSGVO). You can quickly and easily get an overview of what personal data and social data we collect from you and what we do with it. We also inform you about your rights under applicable data protection law and tell you who to contact if you have any questions.
BKK EWE Data protection
Content of the information on data processing pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 DSGVO
1. introduction
2. legal basis
3. social secrecy
4. definition and details of the controller and data subject
5. details of the data protection officer
6. competent supervisory authorities
7. social data
8. purpose limitation of processing, storage and use
9. General description of stored data on specific data subjects and categories of personal data
10. Possible recipients of data
11. Transfer of social data in third countries
12. Transfer of other data / consent
13. Information on data subject rights
1. Introduction
Everyone has the right to have the social data concerning him or her comprehensively protected by the respective service provider. The statutory social insurance institutions may not collect, process or use social data without authorization. This is stated in Section 35 of the German Social Security Code I.
As a statutory health and long-term care insurance fund, BKK EWE works with highly sensitive data of its insured and employers on a daily basis. As a statutory health insurance provider, its mission is to maintain, restore or improve the health of its insured members in the spirit of solidarity (§ 1 sentence 1 SGB V).
As a statutory long-term care insurance fund, its task is to provide assistance to people in need of long-term care who are dependent on solidarity-based support due to the severity of their need for care (Section 1 (4) of the German Social Code, Book XI).
We therefore see it not only as a legal mandate, but also as a self-evident obligation to our policyholders to provide the best possible protection for the sensitive data with which we work.
The following information is intended to provide you with an overview of the scope and purposes for which BKK EWE processes data. At the same time, we will show you what rights you have as an insured person and would like to create transparency for the tasks of the statutory health and long-term care insurance.
2. legal basis
Since 25.05.2018, the protection of data is regulated in the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It is applicable law for all states of the European Union and is supplemented by national laws. For Germany, this is the Federal Data Protection Act, which has now been adapted to the requirements of the DSGVO by the legislator. In addition to the BDSG, special codes regulating the law of statutory social insurance also apply to health and long-term care insurance funds. These include in particular the social security codes
I (general)
V (health insurance)
X (administrative regulations) and
XI (long-term care insurance)
basis. In addition, the Telecommunications Act (TKG) must be observed.
Pursuant to Article 13 DSGVO, BKK EWE has a duty to inform the data subject about the data that it collects itself in order to carry out its legal mandate. Pursuant to Article 14 DSGVO, BKK EWE also has a duty to inform the data subject about data that is reported to BKK EWE from outside. The duty to inform includes comprehensive transparency of the data that BKK handles.
BKK EWE collects data within the meaning of Article 13 DSGVO, for example, when an insured person submits an application. Data within the meaning of Section 14 DSGVO that is reported externally can be, for example, data from a hospital that reports that an insured person of BKK EWE has been admitted there for inpatient treatment.
3. social secret
BKK EWE must ensure that social data is not collected, processed or used without authorization (social secrecy). Maintaining social secrecy includes the obligation to ensure, also within BKK EWE, that social data is only accessible to authorized persons or is only passed on to them.
4. definition and details of the person responsible and the data subject
According to No. 2, BKK EWE has a duty to inform the person referred to in the law as the "person concerned". This refers to the persons who are insured with BKK EWE.
The responsible party is the party that processes the data, i.e. BKK EWE.
4.1 Information about the responsible person (according to Art. 13 para. 1 a DS-GVO)
Name: Betriebskrankenkasse EWE (BKK EWE)
Head office (street, zip code, town): Donnerschweer Str. 20, 26123 Oldenburg Land Germany
Branch office/s (street, zip code, town): None
Responsible Management Board / legal representative: Torsten Greulich
E-mail: info@bkk-ewe.de
Internet: www.bkk-ewe.de
Representative in the EU (Art. 27 DS-GVO): not applicable
5. information on the data protection officer (pursuant to Art. 13 Par. 1 b and 37 DS-GVO)
Name: Cornelius Kalk
Phone: +49405267771152
E-mail: datenschutz@bkk-ewe.de
6. competent supervisory authority
State Commissioner for Data Protection of Lower Saxony
Prinzenstraße 5 30159 Hanover
Ministry of Social Affairs, Labor, Health and Equality
Hannah-Arendt-Platz 2 30159 Hannover
7. social data
Personal data/social data (Article 13 para. 2 e GDPR)
What is personal data?
Data is considered personal if it can be clearly assigned to a specific natural person. This includes, for example, information such as your name, date of birth, address, postal address, personalized e-mail address, health insurance number and telephone number. The European legislator has defined this in a somewhat more complicated way, as follows (Art. 4 No. 1 DSGVO):
"For the purposes of this Regulation, 'personal data' [are] any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter 'data subject'); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person."
What is social data?
Social data is personal data processed by a statutory health insurance fund (with regard to its tasks under the Social Code). The above-mentioned data are therefore also social data at the same time.
Company and business secrets are treated in the same way. This includes all company or business-related data, including that of legal entities, which is of a confidential nature.
In the Social Code (Section 67 (2) SGB X), the legislator has defined this as follows: "Social data are personal data (Art. 4 No. 1 DSGVO) that are processed by a body referred to in Section 35 of the First Book with regard to its tasks under this Code. Trade and business secrets are all business or business-related data, including those of legal entities, that are of a secret nature."
8. purpose limitation (Article 13 (1) c DSGVO)
Social data must be transmitted to fulfill the statutory tasks of a health and long-term care insurance fund; it may only be used for the purposes stipulated by law.
What does processing of data mean?
When we process personal data and social data, this means that we collect, store, use, transmit or delete them, for example.
The European General Data Protection Regulation defines it as follows (Art. 4 No. 2 DSGVO): "processing" means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon personal data, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection, recording, organization, filing, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
In many cases there is a legal obligation to provide social data. This can be, for example, the establishment of a membership or insurance relationship with BKK EWE, the issuance of the health card, the determination of the obligation to pay contributions, the verification of benefit obligations, the provision of services, verification of cost reimbursements or the determination of load limits, the billing and monitoring of the efficiency of service providers and others. The legal basis for the data collection can be found on the respective application form. The consequences of not providing the data may be that BKK EWE cannot fulfill its legal mandate, it may not be possible to assess the obligation to insure or pay contributions, it may not be possible to decide on applications for benefits, or benefits may not be provided at all.
If BKK EWE continues to process the collected data for a purpose other than that for which it was originally collected, it will provide the data subject with all relevant information about this new purpose prior to disclosure (Article 13 (3) DSGVO). If the data subject already has this information, BKK EWE need not provide it again (Article 13 (4) of the GDPR).
In principle, social data is processed, stored and used exclusively within BKK EWE. However, BKK EWE requires external service providers to fulfill its tasks (computer centers for data processing, billing centers for medical, therapeutic or nursing services and cooperation partners to improve the range of services). The processing of social data at external service providers may only take place under the separate conditions of § 80 SGB X. Data protection regulations are agreed upon with external service providers in the contracts, which correspond to the legal requirements for BKK EWE. BKK EWE checks compliance with all data protection regulations at regular intervals. External processing activities must be reported to the relevant supervisory authority, as the supervisory body of the statutory health insurance.
We process personal data and social data in accordance with the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the German Social Code (SGB).
The purpose of the data processing results specifically from the following list of legal bases. You will find the legal basis for data collection on the respective application form. If we process data on the basis of consent, we will state the purpose there before obtaining consent.
8.1 Statutory health insurance
Social data may be collected, stored, processed or used within the framework of the statutory health insurance for the following purposes (cf. § 284 SGB V)
- for the determination of the insurance relationship and membership, including the data required for the initiation of an insurance relationship
- the issuance of the eligibility certificate and the electronic health card
- the determination of the obligation to pay contributions and the contributions, their bearing and payment
- Reviewing the obligation to pay benefits and the provision of benefits to insured persons, including the conditions for benefit limitations, determining co-payment status and carrying out the procedures for reimbursement of costs, premium refunds and determination of the burden limit
- The support of insured persons in the event of treatment errors
- the assumption of treatment costs in the cases of § 264 SGB V
- the involvement of the medical service in accordance with § 275 SGB V
- billing with the service providers, including checking the legality and plausibility of the billing and monitoring compliance with the contractual and statutory obligations of the service providers of aids in accordance with Section 127 (5a) SGB V
- monitoring the efficiency of service provision
- the settlement with other service providers of the statutory social insurance or other agencies
- the execution of claims for reimbursement against other social insurance institutions and claims for compensation against third-party debtors
- the preparation, agreement and implementation of remuneration contracts and morbidity-oriented remuneration structures
- the preparation, implementation and quality assurance of model projects as well as forms of integrated care or the provision of highly specialized outpatient services, including the performance of efficiency and quality audits, insofar as contracts have been concluded without the participation of the associations of SHI-accredited physicians, the implementation of care management pursuant to Section 11 (4), the implementation of contracts for GP-centered care, for special forms of care
- the preparation and implementation of structured treatment programs (disease management programs - DMP) in accordance with § 137 g SGBV
- The implementation and data reporting of the risk structure equalization, the risk pool and voluntary financial equalization of the health insurance system
- the conclusion and implementation of care rate, remuneration and service and quality agreements
- Consultation of measures on prevention and rehabilitation
- Coordination of nursing care Discharge management to support cross-sectoral care of the insured during the transition to care after hospital treatment in accordance with Section 39 (1 a) SGB V Combating misconduct in the health care system (corruption)
- statistical purposes
-the implementation of the reimbursement procedure according to the AAG (employers' pay-as-you-go insurance to compensate for continued remuneration)
- the implementation of the supply management
- the assumption of treatment costs for persons not subject to compulsory insurance within the meaning of § 264 SGB V
- Member recruitment
- the performance of duties as a collection agency for social insurance contributions
- the fulfillment of the tasks of the health insurance funds as rehabilitation providers in accordance with Book Nine of the German Social Code (SGB)
- Individual counseling and assistance by the health insurance fund as to which services and supportive offers are necessary to restore the ability to work (§ 44 para. 4 SGB V)
- on hospice and palliative care services (§ 39 b SGBV)
8.2 Statutory nursing care insurance
Social data may be collected, stored, processed or used within the framework of the statutory long-term care insurance for the following purposes (cf. §94 SGB XI)
- the determination of the insurance relationship and membership
- the determination of the obligation to pay contributions and the contributions, their bearing and payment
- The examination of the obligation to pay benefits and the granting of benefits to insured persons as well as the implementation of reimbursement and compensation claims
- the involvement of the medical service
- Billing with service providers and reimbursement of costs
- monitoring the efficiency, billing and quality of service provision
- The conclusion and implementation of care rate agreements, remuneration agreements and contracts for integrated care.
- the clarification and information
- Coordination of nursing care assistance, nursing care counseling, issuance of counseling vouchers, and performance of tasks in the nursing care support centers
- the settlement with other service providers
- statistical purposes
- the support of insured persons in the pursuit of claims for damages
In order for BKK EWE to be able to fully perform its statutory duties, please observe the obligations to cooperate pursuant to §§ 60 et seq. of the German Social Security Code (SGB I). According to this, insured persons must provide certain data about themselves that is necessary for the completion of the statutory tasks concerning them. Failure to cooperate may result in delays or even rejection of benefits applied for. In addition, we would also like to point out the insured person's obligations to provide information and report to BKK EWE in accordance with §§ 28a SGB IV, 198 ff. SGB V, §§ 50 and 100 SGB XI.
Voluntary information, such as telephone number or e-mail address, is expressly excluded from this data. If this data is not provided, this does not constitute a breach of the duty to provide information, to report or to cooperate and the insured person is not disadvantaged as a result.
9. general description of the stored data on specific data subjects and categories of personal data
Groups of persons concerned: Insured persons / members
- Classification characteristics (health insurance number, pension insurance number)
- Surname, first name, date of birth, place of birth, maiden name
- Gender, nationality, marital status
- Street, house number, zip code, place of residence, country
- Telephone number(s), fax number, - e-mail address
- bank details (IBAN, BIC, name of bank, account holder)
- tax identification number
- presence of family members (children)
- membership in bodies of BKK EWE (Board of Directors or insured persons' elders)
- communication content from personal contacts
Group of persons concerned: Interested parties
- Classification characteristic
- Last name, first name
- Address
- Telephone number(s), e-mail address
- Communication content from personal contacts
Data on membership
- Start and end of membership
- Photograph (for issuing the health insurance card eGk)
- Type of membership (based on which legal basis)
- Compulsory insurance for statutory pension and unemployment insurance (contribution groups)
- Reporting reasons, Activity codes
- Reports on income subject to contributions to statutory pension insurance
- Data on income (self-employed), data on pension application/withdrawal
- Data on pension payments
- Data on exemption from contributions and/or insurance
- Employer, paying agency
- Pre-insurance periods in other health insurance funds
- Indicator for granting benefits when participating in special forms of care
Data on insurance
- start and end of membership
- photograph (for issuing the health insurance card eGk)
- type of insurance (based on which legal basis)
- school attendance / studies, unemployment
Contribution data (only for self-payers)
- Contribution debit, contribution actual
- Debtor
- Data for contribution collection (bank details, IBAN, BIC)
- Data for dunning procedure
Benefit data Health insurance
- Type of benefit
- Diagnosis(es), cause of illness
- Prescribing physician, hospital or other institution
- Service provider
- Date of prescription and period of benefit receipt, date of acceptance or utilization
- Cost of benefit(s)
- Data on suspension, interruption,
- Data on other service providers
- Data on contract services
- Data on compensation claims
- Data on pension claims (OEG, BVG)
- Co-payments
- Data on structured treatment programs, integrated care, model projects or care management
- Data on bonus programs
- Data on optional tariffs, reimbursement procedures
Benefit data Care insurance
- Type of benefit - Diagnosis(es), cause of illness
- Prescribing physician, hospital or other institution
- Service provider
- Date of prescription and period of benefit receipt, date of acceptance or utilization
- Cost of benefit(s)
- Data on suspension, interruption, refusal or discontinuation of benefits
- Data on other service providers
- Data on family caregivers
- Data on compensation claims
Group of persons concerned: data on caregivers
- classification characteristics (health insurance number, pension insurance number)
- surname, first name, date of birth, place of birth, maiden name
- gender, nationality, marital status
- street, house number, zip code, place of residence, country
- telephone number(s), fax number, e-mail address
- bank details (IBAN, BIC, name of bank, account holder)
- tax identification number
- communication content from personal contacts
Group of persons concerned: data on the legal representative/guardian
- surname, first name, date of birth
- gender, nationality
- street, house number, zip code, place of residence, country
- telephone number(s), fax number, e-mail address
- communication content from personal contacts
Group of persons concerned: Employers / Paying agencies
- Classification criteria (e.g. Employer number, company number, paying agency number)
- Name, street, house number, postal code, place of residence, country
- Telephone number(s), fax number, e-mail address
- Tax advisor data
- Bank details (IBAN, BIC, name of bank)
- Contribution target, Contribution actual
- Payer
- Data for contribution collection / dunning procedure
- Supporting offices
- Data for company audits
- Data for settlement types
- Data for the implementation of the apportionment procedure (AAG)
- Communication content from personal contacts
Affected groups of persons: Service providers, contractual partners and suppliers
- Classification characteristics (e.g., physician number, institution identifier)
- Last name, first name
- Name of company
- Street, house number, postal code, city, country
- Telephone number(s), fax number, e-mail address
- Data on professional qualifications
- Bank details (IBAN, BIC, name of bank)
- Data on billing transactions
- Communication content from personal contacts
Group of persons concerned: Publication recipient
- Classification characteristic (e.g. type, scope of publication, possibly serial number)
- Last name, first name
- Street, house number, postal code, place of residence, country
- Telephone number, fax number, e-mail address
10. possible recipients of data (Article 13 para.1 e DSGVO, § 67 d SGB X, §§ 68 - 77 SGB X)
BKK EWE transfers social data to other bodies on a legal basis. Transmission without a legal basis is excluded.
- the German Pension Insurance
- the Federal Employment Agency
- the statutory accident insurance in individual cases
- in the context of payment transactions to financial institutions
- the Federal Insurance Office for the Health Fund
- the tax office responsible for you via the ZfA (Central Allowance Office for Old Age Assets) then, if reports are to be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the EStG
- the Medical Service of the Health Insurance in the context of medical assessments
- employers and paying agencies
- service providers
- agencies for combating benefit abuse, undeclared work and illegal employment
- police authorities, the public prosecutor's office, courts and authorities for the prevention of danger for their tasks or for the prevention of planned criminal offences or Conducting criminal proceedings
- Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Federal Intelligence Service and Military Counter-Intelligence Service for the protection of internal and external security
- Authorities in the context of requests for information in the event of a breach of the obligation to pay maintenance and in the event of pension equalization,
- External contractors in accordance with Art. 28 EU-DSGVO, § 80 SGB X,
- IT service providers: Your data will be stored in a specially secured environment of a certified data center. The data center of BKK EWE is itsc GmbH, Hanover(www.itsc.de)
- further IT service provider for the provision of IT and telecommunications services, including. Provision of hardware and software, telecommunications, consulting and support, maintenance and support
- File and data carrier shredder: disposal of files and data carriers
- Customer satisfaction survey, marketing measures
- Postal and parcel services, printers, production and dispatch of information documents
- Printing service providers, digitization service providers, card producers (eGK)
- Billing service providers
- Service providers for checking invoices of service providers, including pharmacies and medical aid providers
11. transfer of social data in third countries (Article 13 (1) (f) GDPR)
A transfer of social data to the countries of the European Union takes place exclusively within the framework of the EC Regulation 883/04. This may be the case for vacation stays or employment abroad to ensure health insurance coverage and benefit assistance. A transfer to third countries takes place only in those states for which the GDPR is not an applicable law. Here, too, it can only be a matter of ensuring health insurance cover in an agreement country (e.g. Turkey or Morocco) in the countries concerned for the purpose of processing benefit assistance or benefit claims by members of BKK EWE or applying insured persons of foreign insurance providers.
12. transfer of other data / consent (Article 13 para. 2 c DSGVO)
Information on personal data that is not social data (e.g. telephone number or e-mail) is based on voluntary information and is only stored with the consent of the person concerned (Art. 6 (1a) DSGVO in conjunction with Section 67b (2) SGB X and the relevant statutory provisions in the special books of the Social Code (Sections 39 (1a), 39a, 44 (4) SGB V and SGB XI). This data may be of benefit to the person concerned for the speedy provision of benefits, assessment of the obligation to insure or contribute, but also for certain consultations in individual cases.
Consent can also be given for a wide variety of contact purposes (e.g. participation in customer satisfaction surveys, participation in competitions, etc.). You will be informed specifically in each case about the data processed and how it will be used.
The data subject has the right to revoke his or her consent to storage at any time and to request the deletion of personal data that is not social data. The data processing remains lawful until the revocation.
For more information on revocation, please refer to the following item13.
13. Information on data subject rights according to DSGVO and SGB X
Right to information
The data subject has the right at any time to obtain information about the personal data stored by the data controller (BKK EWE). The right to information can be exercised at reasonable intervals and also includes all health-related data.
A prerequisite for the fulfillment of the right to information is appropriate proof of the authorization of the inquirer. Therefore, the controller must use all reasonable means to verify the identity of the person requesting information. Therefore, BKK will generally verify the identity of the person requesting information in an appropriate manner, taking into account the principle of data minimization.
In the request for information, the person concerned should explicitly state the purpose for which the information is required so that BKK EWE can provide targeted information.
Right of rectification.
The data subject has the right to have inaccurate personal data deleted by the data controller. A correction may be made if credible proof of the inaccuracy of data is provided to the data controller by the person requesting the correction.
In order to take the rights of the data subject sufficiently into account, the controller must inform all recipients of the data to be corrected accordingly. The obligation to provide information shall only be waived if this would result in a disproportionate effort; in this case, the data subject shall be informed accordingly at his/her request of the recipients for whom no information is provided.
Right to restriction
If the data subject disputes the accuracy of the stored data, the data controller shall restrict data processing until the respective objection has been conclusively examined.
Right to object
The data subject shall have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to processing of personal data concerning him or her.
The right to object to the controller does not exist insofar as there is a compelling public interest in the processing that outweighs the interests of the data subject or a legal provision obliges the processing.
Right to deletion
The right to erasure is also referred to as the "right to be forgotten" in the GDPR. It includes the right to complete erasure if, in particular, the following conditions are met.
1. the purpose for which the data were collected or processed no longer requires their continued storage
2. the consent on which the data processing was based has been revoked and there is no other legal basis for the continued storage of the data
3. the data subject must have objected to the processing by the controller
4. the data were processed unlawfully
In accordance with legal requirements, social data is deleted after the legally prescribed retention period has expired. The periods vary depending on the type of social data, up to 30 years at the longest. Other data is deleted immediately, after the purpose has been fulfilled. The basis for the deletion of social data can be found in the General Administrative Regulation on Accounting in Social Insurance (SRVwV) and the specific Social Codes V (for health insurance) and XI (for long-term care insurance).
There is no entitlement to the deletion of data that is required for the exercise of the statutory mandate of BKK EWE for the duration of the statutory retention period.
Right to complain
If you believe that your rights have been violated in the collection, processing or use of your personal data or social data, you have the option of contacting the BKK EWE data protection officer, or alternatively the competent supervisory authority or the State Commissioner for Data Protection in Lower Saxony.
14. profiling/automated decisions
According to the definition of Article 4 No. 4 GDPR, "profiling" is any automated processing of data which consists in using such data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to an individual. The GDPR clarifies in Art. 22(1) that the data subject is protected from automated decision making and that this also includes the assessment of personality profiles.
In accordance with Article 22(2)(b) of the GDPR, processing by automated means is permissible for the performance of the tasks incumbent upon the controller, provided that appropriate measures are taken to safeguard the rights and freedoms and legitimate interests of the data subject.
Within the scope of so-called dark processing, BKK EWE processes certain applications in an automated procedure with the aim of fulfilling its tasks in accordance with the principle of economic efficiency and economy. Insofar as all requirements for the approval of the application, according to previously defined criteria, are met, an automated approval takes place. Insofar as there is no compliance with the criteria for fully automated processing, a check is carried out by the BKK EWE clerks.
Fully automated processing takes place for the following areas:
- Approval and payment of Ihr+ Bonus Vorsorge
- Approval of certain contract-related aids
In order to be able to inform and advise you in a targeted manner about BKK EWE benefits and services, we use automated evaluation tools. These enable us to communicate with BKK EWE policyholders in a way that is tailored to their needs.
There is no evaluation for advertising or market research measures.
15. cookies
In order for this website to function optimally, we sometimes need to store small files on your computer, so-called cookies. All major websites are required to do this by European and national legislation to ensure safe internet use.
What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit that website. In this way, the website saves the pages you have visited and your preferences (such as your username, language, font size and other settings) so that you do not have to set them again each time you visit the website. Cookies thus provide a better service and ensure a more optimal use of the website, which is also tailored to your preferences.
How do we use cookies?
On some pages we register the following in cookies:
- Your location preferences.
- Your current location.
- Whether you agree with the use of cookies on our site.
- Your browse preferences and click-through behavior to optimize your desired use and functionality of the website.
- Data from advertisements and your related interests and preferences are matched as much as possible to the information from our website and from our partners.
What cookies are used on the website?
The Internet pages partly use so-called cookies. Cookies do not cause any damage to your computer and do not contain viruses. Cookies serve to make our offer more user-friendly, more effective and safer. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and saved by your browser.
Most of the cookies we use are so-called "session cookies". They are automatically deleted after the end of your visit. Other cookies remain stored on your terminal device until you delete them. These cookies allow us to recognize your browser on your next visit.
You can set your browser so that you are informed about the setting of cookies and only allow cookies in individual cases, exclude the acceptance of cookies for certain cases or in general and activate the automatic deletion of cookies when closing the browser. When deactivating cookies, the functionality of this website may be limited.
Cookies that are required to carry out the electronic communication process or to provide certain functions you have requested (e.g. shopping cart function) are stored on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO. The website operator has a legitimate interest in storing cookies for the technically error-free and optimized provision of its services. Insofar as other cookies (e.g. cookies for analyzing your surfing behavior) are stored, these are treated separately in this privacy policy.
How can you learn more and what can you do with the cookies?
You can always control and/or delete cookies. You can find out more about this at aboutcookies.org. You can delete all cookies from your computer, and you can set your browser to block cookies. However, this means that you will subsequently have to set your preferences again each time you visit and that parts of the regional information about the current weather situation on our website will not work (properly).
16. analysis tool Matomo (formerly Piwik)
This website uses the open source web analytics service Matomo. Matomo uses technologies that enable cross-page recognition of the user to analyze user behavior (e.g. cookies or device fingerprinting). The information collected by Matomo about the use of this website is stored on our server. The IP address is anonymized before storage.
With the help of Matomo, we are able to collect and analyze data about the use of our website by website visitors. This allows us to find out, among other things, when which page views were made and from which region they come. We also collect various log files (e.g. IP address, referrer, browsers and operating systems used) and can measure whether our website visitors perform certain actions (e.g. clicks, purchases, etc.).
The use of this analysis tool is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. The website operator has a legitimate interest in analyzing user behavior in order to optimize both its website and its advertising. Insofar as a corresponding consent has been requested, the processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO and § 25 para. 1 TTDSG, insofar as the consent includes the storage of cookies or access to information in the user's terminal device (e.g. device fingerprinting) as defined by the TTDSG. The consent can be revoked at any time.
IP anonymization
We use IP anonymization for the analysis with Matomo. In this case, your IP address is shortened before analysis so that it can no longer be clearly assigned to you.
We host Matomo with the above hosting provider.
Job processing
We have concluded a contract on order processing (AVV) with the above-mentioned provider. This is a contract required by data protection law, which ensures that the provider only processes the personal data of our website visitors in accordance with our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR.
17. YouTube with enhanced privacy
This website embeds videos from YouTube. The operator of the pages is Google Ireland Limited ("Google"), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.
We use YouTube in extended privacy mode. According to YouTube, this mode means that YouTube does not store any information about visitors to this website before they watch the video. However, the disclosure of data to YouTube partners is not necessarily excluded by the extended data protection mode. Thus, YouTube - regardless of whether you watch a video - establishes a connection to the Google DoubleClick network.
As soon as you start a YouTube video on this website, a connection to the YouTube servers is established. This tells the YouTube server which of our pages you have visited. If you are logged into your YouTube account, you enable YouTube to assign your surfing behavior directly to your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account.
Furthermore, after starting a video, YouTube may store various cookies on your end device or use comparable recognition technologies (e.g. device fingerprinting). In this way, YouTube can obtain information about visitors to this website. This information is used, among other things, to collect video statistics, improve the user experience, and prevent fraud attempts.
If necessary, further data processing operations may be triggered after the start of a YouTube video, over which we have no control.
YouTube is used in the interest of an appealing presentation of our online offers. This represents a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Insofar as a corresponding consent has been requested, the processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO and § 25 para. 1 TTDSG, insofar as the consent includes the storage of cookies or access to information in the user's terminal device (e.g. device fingerprinting) within the meaning of the TTDSG. The consent can be revoked at any time.
For more information about privacy at YouTube, please see their privacy policy at: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de.
Google Web Fonts (local hosting)
This site uses so-called web fonts provided by Google for the uniform display of fonts. The Google Fonts are installed locally. A connection to Google servers does not take place.
For more information about Google Web Fonts, please visit https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq and see Google's privacy policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de.
Overview of used cookies
Smart calculator
On our website, we have integrated online calculators from www.smart-rechner.de (provider is Smare Stefan Banse Michael Mühl GbR, Hinter der Hage 25, 53501 Grafschaft, Germany, hereinafter: "Smare") as an external service to enable you to make needs-based calculations on our website. When you access the website, your access data such as your IP address, browser and device information as well as the date and time of the server request and the data entered when using the input mask of the online calculator for calculation are transmitted to Smare and Smare's hosting provider, IONOS SE (Elgendorfer Str. 57, 56410 Montabaur, Germany). Your access data is stored by IONOS SE in server log files. Your IP address is anonymized by IONOS SE after seven days and deleted after nine weeks. The IP address is stored by IONOS SE solely to ensure the functionality, integrity and security of the online computers. Smare or IONOS SE do not assign the data to a specific person. In particular, the data is not merged with other data sources. The legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our legitimate interests lie in the needs-based design of our website and in being able to offer you an additional service. You can find more information about Smare's data protection at www.smart-rechner.de/datenschutzerklaerung. Further information on data protection at the hosting provider IONOS SE can be found at: www.ionos.de/terms-gtc/datenschutzerklaerung/. You can object to the processing. You have the right to object on grounds relating to your particular situation. You can send us your objection using the contact details provided for the controller.
Published on: 22.02.2022 - Last modified on: 30.01.2025