Care periods
Your entitlement to caregiver leave and family caregiver leave
To care for a close relative, you can take time off from work in whole or in part.
Care time
In order to care for a close relative*, an employee may take unpaid leave from work in whole or in part for a period of up to six months. However, the entitlement to time off only applies to employees in companies with more than 15 employees. During the caregiver leave, the employee remains covered by social insurance - but he or she does not draw a salary, and his or her employment relationship is "suspended". We will be happy to advise you on health insurance coverage for this period.
When someone unexpectedly becomes a nursing case, a difficult situation often arises for the relatives in which a lot has to be organized quickly. In addition to the right to caregiver leave, employees are entitled to short-term leave of absence for up to 10 working days.
In an acute care situation, care can be organized or care can be ensured during this time (so-called short-term prevention of work). During this time, the family member organizing the care receives a wage replacement benefit: the care support allowance.
If you would like to take advantage of any of these opportunities, please contact us.
Family caregiver leave
Employees are thus entitled to partial leave from work for up to 24 months if they care for a close relative* in need of care in their home environment. A minimum working time of 15 hours per week must be observed. The legal entitlement does not apply to employees in small companies. The entitlement to family caregiver leave can be combined with the entitlement to caregiver leave.
In addition, employees who take advantage of caregiver leave or family caregiver leave are eligible for funding to better secure their livelihood during the leave by applying for an interest-free loan from the Federal Office for Family and Civil Society Tasks (BAFzA).
* e.g. parents, parents-in-law, spouse, children
Published on: 02.05.2022 - Last modified on: 08.02.2023