Parent Phone

Telephone information service

The Parents' Helpline is a telephone information service specifically for parents seeking advice, "expectant" parents and couples whose desire to have a child has so far remained unfulfilled.

Main topics

The range of advice provided by the team of medical experts includes the following key topics:

  • unfulfilled desire to have children
  • Pregnancy counseling
  • Infant and child diseases
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Vaccination recommendations and advice
  • Providing addresses for specialists, clinics, therapists, self-help groups, and social and educational counseling centers
  • neutral second opinion on questions of pediatric and adolescent medicine

7 days a week - available around the clock

With this offer, we provide you with a guide and companion that takes into account the very personal problems of being and becoming a parent in a medically sound way.

Phone: +49 441 350 28 5111

Call the team of experts

Published on: 03.05.2022 - Last modified on: 08.02.2023


Hotline: 0800 125 53 93
Free of charge from all German networks

Mon.-Thurs.: 8.00-16.00
Fri.: 8.00-14.00

Or write us conveniently via contact form


If you would like to contact us directly, our staff will be happy to assist you:

Continue to the overview of our employees