Midwife on-call service

Best possible support during pregnancy

To provide you with the best possible support, we cover the costs of midwifery services. This includes, as an additional benefit, reimbursement of the on-call flat rate up to an amount of € 350.00 per pregnancy. The midwife on-call service ensures that the midwife is available and ready to work for the expectant mother around the clock in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Flat rate not applicable

Expectant mothers who wanted to make use of their midwife's on-call service generally had to pay the flat rate themselves in the past, as it was not a statutory health insurance benefit.

Published on: 08.03.2022 - Last modified on: 08.02.2023


Hotline: 0800 125 53 93
Free of charge from all German networks

Mon.-Thurs.: 8.00-16.00
Fri.: 8.00-14.00

Or write us conveniently via contact form


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