
We are at your side

In this exceptional situation, we are there for you. We support you in choosing a suitable hospital and try to make your stay as pleasant as possible. You will receive modern and high-quality treatments in the hospital. These can be provided on a full inpatient, partial inpatient, pre-inpatient, post-inpatient or outpatient basis.


If inpatient hospital treatment is medically necessary, we will cover the costs less the legally stipulated co-payment for medical treatment operative services, medication, accommodation and meals in a contract hospital for an unlimited period of time.

We also cover the costs of inpatient treatment in non-accredited hospitals, provided that, following prior application and review, the requirements for the need for inpatient treatment are met and the measure is reasonable in the individual case, taking into account medical quality aspects and the principle of economic efficiency.

Which clinic suits me?

The BKK Clinic Finder helps you decide which clinic is right for your diagnosis.

Let us support you in your search

Accompanying person for your child

Very important: Talk to us in advance of the planned treatment. Today, it is a matter of course that parents can stay close to their child during a hospital stay. If the admission of a parent is medically necessary, the hospital settles the costs for the accompanying person directly with us.

Published on: 23.03.2022 - Last modified on: 08.02.2023


Hotline: 0800 125 53 93
Free of charge from all German networks

Mon.-Thurs.: 8.00-16.00
Fri.: 8.00-14.00

Or write us conveniently via contact form


If you would like to contact us directly, our staff will be happy to assist you:

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